Friday, April 13, 2012

Facilitating Ritual with Design: Adam Miklosi

Hungarian designer, Adam Miklosi's work is a wonderful example of elegant design, combining aesthetics and function.  The functions that Miklosi considers in his LR16 Disaster Coffin address issues that previous designs, such as the ubiquitous 'body bag' have left out.   The facilitation of funeral rituals, dignity, accommodation of  variety in disposition choices, and the use of an environmentally friendly material all make this design remarkable and important.  

It is my hope that Miklosi's work is recognized and that these essential issues are considered in any future designs that are implemented for human remains.  Each person deserves this level of respect, and each family deserves the opportunity to perform their funerary rites.  Here is the design, and his statement.  For more information on Adam Miklosi, visit his site:      

Special coffin for disaster situations
"...Whether dealing with violent deaths in major disasters or in armed conflict, issues concerning the socio-cultural order of a community are valid. The inability to perform rituals condemns a family to a second death: the symbolic death of their loved one for the lack of a tomb that perpetuates his or her name and confers social worth to the deceased and his or her inclusion in the generational continuity of a family."

My aim is to find a solution to the problem of the funeral after disaster situation.
I designed a coffin as a storage for the corpses, which is able to isolate the infections, isolate the corpse during the putrifaction, which protect the corpse and the people who "work" with them.

The material of the product is PLA biopolimer, 100% biodegradable.

I focused on the experiences of the relatives and gave them an alternative, to keep their loved in rest and respect. - Adam Miklosi

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I haven't known of this. Proudly to be Hungarian too:)


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