These candid expressions, from light-hearted, to sorrowful; sincere and irreverent, couldn't wait until Thursday!
Lick_My_Jordans uhlawntay
..idk y but when other ppl die.. All I can think about is my funeral. like who is gonna show?.. Hmm
OhWowThatsAwk Glen Coco
That awkward moment at Bill Gates funeral when they play the windows shutdown song.
SamanthaDancy Samantha Dancy
Today- sunrise over Himalaya @ Nagarkot then witnessed a cremation in Pashpatinath, a festival @ Boudenath & a procession in Patan #Nepal
TheJasonMarcus Jason Marcus
This funeral feels like a prank and the closed coffin makes me wanna peak inside. I bet when I open it up, spring-loaded snakes will pop out
nearaxoxo dinero
When gino passed it was raining hard as shit and it was until the day of the funeral , so rain makes me think about gino all the time
Mista_stealygrl J.M.
The funeral cars just past my skool. I never heard 4000 plp so quiet. A Mother shouldn't have to bury the son
GrnThmbNl David GreenThumbNail
Cremation is my choice. my ego doesn't require a hole & rock w/ my name on it. #RandomThought
ReekDude Nyrik Lee-Morales
I want "champagne life" by neyo played at my funeral when they carry me out the church....that's my song young
photoholicflix Photoholicflix SAI
I have gotten flowers delivered to me twice in my life. I wonder how many I'll get on the day of my funeral?
tendahRONI roni gaston-baize
Great service for my great uncle hopefully this will be the last funeral I have to attend 4 5 deaths in ...
Vixie_Lou Charlotte Watts
Bless my Mum. me: 'the funeral and cremation is nex..." mum: 'you say you want corriander for the prawns?"
sororitylifes Greta Orbga
My father in flames: Tanith Carey's father, Kim, was born a Hindu. He never practised the religion but when he d...
VisnjaToxic VisnjaMicunovic
38. I want my funeral to look like funeral from "Helena", My Chemical Romance song. #100factsaboutme