Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Favorites from Twitter

what twitter

Once again, here are some of my favorite comments on death, grieving, and funerals culled from Twitter tweets. Some are funny, some touching, some inane, all honest human responses.


  1. Its only appropriate to wear sparkles to my
    grandmothers funeral. This is a woman who
    never left the house without her hot pink
    lipstink on
  2. beautiful redbone_beautiful_90
    so im sitting in my g-ma backseat with
    a cremation box....omg what a life
  3. JoanneOJoanneOlivier
    @girlontherant drunk is the only way
    to be at a funeral
  4. Micah Jamestcufrog05
    Honored to be asked to do a funeral
    next Saturday - it will be my first as minister.
  5. Buffy Hamiltonbuffyjhamilton
    traffic stopped for funeral procession.
    I love we still do that here.
  6. Jeremiah WehlerLordBling
    Gonna head to the cemetery to
    visit my brother's grave. Alcohol
    will be consumed. Is there any
    other way to deal? I don't think so.

  7. David Flucke
    something vaguely ironic about
    searching oregonLIVE.com for
    an obituary
  8. dflucke
    What a beautiful day. How good to
    be able to do a eulogy that gets the
    grieving people laughing in joy along
    with their tears.
  9. Three Little MaidsThisIsTacoNight
    la la, tacos in the cemetery waiting
    for the boombooms
  10. Jennie BaylessCaseysCrew373
    Nails, shower, hair, makeup...
    Then getting dressed 2 go 2
    the recieving tonight...still not
    sure what 2 wear 2nite or 2 the
    funeral 2morrow
  11. tarabarnestarabarnes
    And no, I did not take a pocket
    New Testament on my way out
    of the funeral home, thanks.
  12. Barbara Batesquasiverse
    Fuck caskets and funerals and
    embalming and shit. Wrap me in
    a blanket, throw me under a tree,
    and tell a couple goddamn jokes.
  13. SHWETA MEHROTRAshweta_mehrotra
    @caprichai i'm a sucker for animated
    movies man..can watch them all day
    long...need some now..just got back
    from my friend's cremation
  14. joel ganibejugawayne
    ATTENDED A LAOS OPEN FIELD CREMATIONhttp://whrrl.com/e/g9ze4
  15. Tim WalkerTWalk
    @pamslim I think it's about making
    human connections with the humans
    in the audience. Laughing (& grieving)
    together = human cement.
  16. Nicholas KristofNickKristof
    A wonderful obituary of my Dad in
    The Oregonian. But I wish it was a
    profile, not an obituary. http://bit.ly/bL8Brf
  17. Andre SousaASousa1
    Can't make the funeral today.
    Too much pain. Sorry artur

  18. The Coffee Klatch  TheCoffeeKlatch
    Yes - there is definitely a grieving
    process to parenting a spec needs
    child - there is a loss of the child you
    thought they would be #tck
  19. saujsauj
    Arrived at the house and tradition
    demands that the men-folk and
    women-folk are separated for the
    grieving; it is a very weird thing indeed.

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