My Friends
I've met a lot of people,
as I've traveled through life's race.
And everywhere I've been,
I try to catalogue in proper place.
It took three books to do it --
People I've known, acquaintances and friends.
Each one I put in proper place
as it appeals to me.
And the one that's marked "friends",
is the smallest of the three.
My friend book is that little bitty thin one,
because friends are so very rare.
I count it a happy privilege,
to put your name in there.
-from the official Monte Hale Website, http://montehale.com/aboutmonte.html

It's not every cowboy hero who can say, after the demise of the B-westerns, that he went on to appear in movies with such actors as Marlon Brando, Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean. Monte Hale, the last survivor of the screen's singing cowboys, could say that. He even taught James Dean the little rope trick with which Dean played around in a pivotal scene in GIANT.
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