Monday, November 11, 2013

The End

Many of us compare our lives to the movies. We would like to have the meaning, the excitement, a clear story line, and an ending that, if not glowingly happy, at least is satisfying in resolving all of life's loose ends. As a funeral director, I work with families to make the ending of a life to be more than an abrupt stop. Funeral and memorials services, if done with thought and care, can remind us of why we have watched and enjoyed the show of this life for this long. Hopefully, after a good funeral we can go away with a bit of the glow and feeling resolution that we leave the cinema with.
Artist Dill Pixels has photographed a series of end frames from many movies. The complete set can be seen on his flickr page . I would highly recommend paging through his extensive collection. You may be surprised by the warm feeling that comes over you

1 comment:

jiva said...

I love all those "The End" pics.
Very cool.

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Funeral service faces a crisis of relevance, and I am passionate about keeping the best traditions of service alive while adapting to the changing needs of families. Feel free to contact me with questions, or to share your thoughts on funeral service, ritual, and memorialization.


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